Before you can lock and approve or reject an asset, you must be the Project Owner or Project Manager.
Step 1: From the Home page, navigate to your project that has existing files.
Step 2: Hover on a row of one of the assets that you want to lock. From the buttons that appear, choose one of the following:
If you are OK with the asset and you want to end further reviews, click on Approve and Lock File. To confirm your selection, click Approve. The thumbnail will update showing a "Lock" with a checkmark in the upper left corner to symbolize that this asset is now locked.
The asset can still be viewed in the Mox Review tool, but it is locked from further reviews.
If the asset requires changes and you want to end further reviews until a new version is uploaded, click on Request Changes and Lock File. Enter a comment (if applicable) and click Request Changes. The thumbnail will update showing a "Lock" with an X in the upper left corner to symbolize that this asset is now locked.
Step 3: (Optional) It is best practice to transfer your approved and locked assets to the library so they may be used again in the future.
To do this, hover on the row of the asset again, from the โฆ menu, and select Transfer File to Asset Library. A window briefly appears to indicate the asset is being transferred. When the transfer is completed, the asset is now available in the library along with all of the project attributes, such as Brand.