Before you can transfer an approved file to the Asset Library, you must have access to your Mox workspace and have a Project Owner or Project Manager role.
Step 1: Open the project that contains the Approved Asset that requires transferring to the Asset Library.
Step 2: On the project OVERVIEW tab, hover on the row containing the asset.
Step 3: Select Approve and Lock File. This file state is required to transfer an asset to the library.
Step 4: In the Approve and Lock File dialog window, confirm the final locking approval on the file and click Approve. The thumbnail will update showing a "Lock" with a checkmark in the upper left corner to symbolize that this asset is now locked.
Step 5: Hover on the row of the asset that you performed the Approve and Lock File action, click β¦, and select Transfer file to Asset Library. A pop-up window appears to indicate the progress of the file transfer, click OK.