
How to Create, add Team Members, Assign Tasks, and Manage Groups

Laurel Capezzuto avatar
Written by Laurel Capezzuto
Updated over a week ago

How to Create, add Team Members, Assign Tasks, and Manage Groups

Before you can create & manage groups, you must have access to your Mox workspace and the role of Account Owner.

  • Groups themselves do not have a role. The existing role of the associated member determines what that user can and cannot do within the given workspace.

  • If you have multiple workspaces, the same name group can exist in all and those groups can have different members in each workspace.

  • If you have multiple workspaces within one organization, members from all workspaces will appear in the dropdown when searching for users.

  • Groups cannot be deleted at this time.

  • Removing a team member from a group does not remove them from the workspace.

  • Team members can belong to multiple groups.

Create a Group and Assign Team Members

Step 1: On the Team page of your workspace, click + Create Group.

Step 2: In the Create Group window from the Group Name box, enter a name for the group.

Step 3: Enter an email address to invite new team member(s) or search users to add an existing team member(s).

Note: If inviting a new team member or a member from another workspace, that member will be given an Editor role and will receive an email notification inviting them to the workspace.

Step 4: Click Create.

Step 5: To verify the group members after adding them along with their roles, click on the group. If you want to see all team members in your workspace, click All Users.

You will see the names in the Groups column if team members belong to any groups

Assign tasks to a Group

Groups can be assigned to general or approval tasks. When a task that is assigned to a group goes in progress, each member of the group receives an email notification that indicates the task is ready for the group. The first member of the group to complete the task finishes the task for the entire group.

Step 1: From the Home or Projects page, navigate to one of your projects and open it.

Step 2: On the OVERVIEW page, locate a task in the Tasks section and click on the Owner field.

Step 3: On the Owner drop-down, select the name of the group.

Note: You are also able to assign the Group from the task details panel.

Managing an Existing Group

Step 1: Navigate to the Team page.

Step 2: Under the Groups section, select the group to add or remove team members from.

Step 3: Click the pencil icon to the right of the group name.

Step 4: From the Edit Group window, add members or remove existing members and click Update.

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