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Project Visibility

Article to help with sorting project columns, project searching & filtering

Laurel Capezzuto avatar
Written by Laurel Capezzuto
Updated over a year ago

To search for and view projects, you must have access to your Mox workspace. In this article, we will cover the multiple ways to Search, use Project Filtering, & Sorting Project Columns.

Using the Search Project Keyword Box

Step 1: Navigate to the Projects page. Here you will see a listing of all Projects that you have access to within the Mox workspace.

Step 2: Type any project keyword into the Search Projects text box. Mox will return project(s) that contains the keyword in the Project Name.

(This example shows all projects with the word "Test" in the name)

Searching by Project Owner

Step 1: Navigate to the Projects page.

Step 2: Click on Owner to open the "Select a User" search box.

Step 3: Select a specific user from the dropdown or type in a user's name.

Narrowing your Search Using Project Filters

Step 1: Navigate to the Projects page.

Step 2: Using Project Filters you can narrow down your search by selecting which Attributes on your project(s).

(This example shows filtering on the Brand attribute)

Sorting the Project Page Columns

Step 1: Navigate to the Projects page.

Step 2: Click on the Project Name, Owner, Start Date or Due Date columns on the Project Page to sort by Ascending or Descending.

Customize your Project Columns

Step 1: To customize what Columns are shown on your Project Page, click on the Settings wheel to add or remove Project Attributes.

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