Before you can create a project template, you must have access to your Mox workspace and have the role of Account Owner or Workspace Owner.
Note: Best practices are:
Create or edit your project and workflow, set it the way you want it and then Save Project as Template as the last step.
When Saving Project as Template, make sure the project is In Progress when you save it.
Step 1: From the Home page, click on one of your existing projects shown in My Projects or click on + Create Project to create a brand new project for your template.
Step 2: If using an existing project, confirm that you have the tasks that you will need.
If creating a new project, on the OVERVIEW tab of your project in the Task section, click Create Task or, build a workflow to add tasks that you need to complete your project.
Step 3: (Optional) If the tasks require dependencies, click on the Task row(s) to open Task Details to set the dependencies.
Note: The tasks do not require you to set Owner or Due Date as these will not be retained when you create a project from template.
Step 4: (Optional) Click + Create Sub-Project. If the template requires one or more sub-projects, the sub-projects can have their own attributes and can contain tasks.
Step 5: When you have the necessary tasks and sub-projects, click on the β¦ to select Save Project as Template. In the Save Project as Template window, type a meaningful name for the template, select which parts of the project to include in the template, and click Save.
Note: Attributes and notes will automatically be included. Due dates, project assets, task status, and project status will not be included.
The screen will refresh showing you an overview of your newly created template. To review your template at any time, click on Settings > Project Templates.