Before you can create an attribute on the Settings page, you must have access to your Mox workspace and have a role other than Editor, View and Download, or View Only.
Step 1: Click on the Settings page of your workspace.
Step 2: Click Attributes.
Step 3: To add an attribute to your workspace, click + Create Attribute.
Step 4: In the New Attribute window, type a name for the new attribute.
Step 5: From the Type drop-down, choose what type of attribute to be created.
For List type, check the box beside Allow multi-select if you want to be able to select more than one list value to be applied to your assets; and
For List type, check the box beside Allow hierarchical values If you want to be able to have a tree structure of attribute values.
Step 6: Click Add. The new attribute is added to the Attributes list. If the attribute is List type, to add values to the new attribute, click on its row. In the details panel, click + Add New to type a name for the value.